Your Idle Time

03 Mar 2011

I have noticed the excessive addiction to “pretending to be busy” when on ‘idle time’ — the time you don’t have anything to do or are in the middle of things.

With the easy availability of tools it is easy to pretend to be doing work — that includes reading, tweeting, retweeting, liking etc.

It is like working out but not taking a breather between exercises. Blocking out part of the day to just sit and think, scribble something on paper and plan your (or your startups) next move is extremely important. This is the time when ideas happen, you get that ‘aha’ moment, you reflect on certain things, or you just stare at the road/garden/sea and blank out (could double up as a semi-meditative activity).

It is refreshing than reading another one of those "Valley" success stories or ways in which you can get more visitors to your site.

Try it and see for yourself. If you have already, then do let me and others know how NOT “seeming to be busy” helped you.

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