Procrastinate Reading to Save Time

12 Mar 2012

At the end of the week, I noticed that I had a lot of reading on my plate. During the week, I would favorite tweets, save articles to Instapaper, have a back log of blogs (less than 10) in my RSS reader, have articles sent by friends/biz contacts via email etc… Stuff piles up and you start to feel annoyed by all the stuff there is still to read. However, I realized that not everything is as interesting as it sounds. Plus, a lot of the articles seem useful when you save them (to read later) but don’t seem that important when you actually get to reading them.

The idea is to procrastinate.

So, I have started a 2–4 day rule. Articles that I look at 2–4 days later seem less and less important to read than 0 day. I can skip them easily — without feeling guilty.

Try it and it see if this method helps you stay away from information overload and save time.

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