Simon Sinek - The Finite and Infinite Games of Leadership
17 Jul 2017
This is a must-watch video if you are running or working in a company. A few gems from the video (written as I understood the talk):
- The goal is not to beat your competition, but the goal is to outlast your competition.
- Don’t compete on features.
- Infinite players thing long term and focus on their vision, values etc. They make their decisions by first seeing if the decision fits within their long term vision.
- Infinite players don’t worry about short-term losses or ups and downs.
- Compete with yourself. Build your company for the long terms. Maybe, have a 50 or 100 year vision. At first, your vision will make you feel uncomfortable and might be unachievable.
- People (employees, clients etc.) would want to be associated with your company because of your “movement”. Why do you exist?