Learning and Coding

20 Apr 2020

Learning Flutter ><

This is the fourth week of the lockdown and it feels that life has slowed down. There is a lot of uncertaintly in the air, but it is better to control what you can (your time) rather than get into the rabbit hole of what if’s (easier said than done, I know).

The best decision I made last month is to join this Udemy course - The Complete 2020 Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart - Flutter is a mobile SDK that allows you to create cross-platform mobile applications (so you can write one code and run the app both on Android and iOS). You write code in Dart, a language developed by Google.

I am 80% done and can now pretty much write a full fledged app - this immense power of able to get things done on your own is just too addictive. I started my career as a coder and went into enterprenuership for the last decade. Somehow, the deep focus of coding (not to mention the power to create something out of nothing) is something I realised that I missed and love. I don’t know what app I will design/develop but I have hoped onto the “creator” journey for now :)

By the way, if you want to understand coders, do read Clive Thompson's book Coders.

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