Fractional CTO

10 Jun 2021

I have always learnt new stuff. So, when the pandemic hit last year and I had more time on my hand (by working 100% remote), I dabbled with a bunch of things. I even blogged about my love for programming.

iOS Developement (Swift)
JAMStack - (revamped this blog using Eleventy + TailWind CSS)

Besides running Brightpod and helping with tech (mobile app, web app, software) in my family business, I am always itching to explore the new things in tech and how it can help companies grow. Being involved on the tech-side at PPFAS was an eye-opener - you work on different problems and just focus on tech (unlike running your own company where there are other non-tech areas that needs attention - over the years I realised I feel happier thinking about tech than being a CEO). Besides, guiding non-tech companies on the right path to tech adoption is somewhat liberating.

This is in contrast to my product, Brightpod. I sometimes felt stuck doing the same thing for years. Solving the same problem and working on the same tech stack. Monotony sets in. Less is more but too little is not satisfying. For long, it felt like being boxed in an echo chamber.

Having amassed a ton of tech (mostly SaaS/ Cloud) and digital marketing experience in the last 2 decades and being confident with what I know and learning what I don’t know, someone mentioned I should be a “fractional/ virtual CTO” for companies that need a tech expert on their leadership team.

I guess I will have to try this out again to find out.

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