For What It’ll Make Of You

09 Sep 2024

Bookmark this artcile and read it many times - For what it'll make of you

Loved the part about setting ambitious goals vs. delusional goals.

But in both cases, the racing and the speaking, I intuitively knew that it wasn't just about the destination. If it was, there'd probably be many shortcuts I could have taken. But I wanted to take the long road. For what it would make of me.

It was not about winning a race, but about becoming a racer. It was not about giving a speech, but about becoming a speaker. Think about what you'd like to become more often than thinking about what you'd like to get.

Just beautiful. For me, its becoming a better golfer, writer, developer and father.

The journey is more important than the destination. We often forget this and are hung up on what we will get but not on who will we become by going on this journey.

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