
09 Sep 2024

Fantastic article -> Learn Things That Don't Change

Lindy’s Law applied to technology says that the longer a technology has been around, the longer it’s expected to be around.

And then I came across this article - The 2034 Website

What I take away from both the above articles is that in software development using old, boring technology is OK. Use what you think has stood the test of time. Those might not be the cool kids around the block technology but they will take you a lot farther than some of the new tech. I see so many JS frontend frameworks that I feel it's the wild wild west when it comes to front-end web dev. Imagine how confused new devs might be getting!

If a project does not need a whole lot of Javascript, then stick to vanially HTML and CSS. Maybe, even use JQuery. You don't need Nextjs and React for all your projects!

For backend, I have always been loyal to PHP and I still feel its probably one of the best languages out there. And with the Laravel framework, it's a powerhouse.

Learn something that has been around for a while. It won't let you down.

Choose wisely.

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